Exactly what America needed. In 1974. "A place that time forgot and the decades can not improve."

Every few years I get in my car and drive up there. There are no road signs. So I ask around. "Ya, sure..." someone will say, "Just a mile ahead and then take a left..." But there's nothing there. Just empty corn fields and a few abandoned barns.

"Sir! Excuse me... can you tell me how do I get to..." And they'll look at me with a strange look in their eyes and then look away shaking their head slightly. As if I had asked "where is the island of Camelot?" Or "where did John Lennon go after 1980?" Or some other absurdity.

Occasionally rumor has it, the people in those parts will see an old guy in a beat up old Chevy, driving around asking foolish questions without answers. Something about a "Prairie Home" or a Prairie Show or some other gibberish. They say they only see him around the full moon. They say he'll drive into a gas station or into the parking lot of a diner after the sun has set and just disappear. Rumor has it that, late at night, he will sometimes walk in to a 24 hour diner, order a cup of coffee, hardly drink a sip, leave a very good tip and then just vanish! The waitresses say he always mutters something about looking for a "Home" or a "Prairie Home."

Now understand, I don't believe in ghosts or spirits or anything like that... it's just sort of odd, is all. Just kinda' strange... .

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What an inauspicious beginning to a National treasure.

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A fantastic time capsule!

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